16 days Mardi Himal Trek

  • Trip Duration19 Days
  • Starting Price (P/P)Contact Us
  • Trip GradeModerate to Strenuous

Trip Facts

annapurna region : Nepal

toursit Bus : Private transport

Tent : Tent

Tent : 2

Minimum 2 person : Minimum 2 Pax

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Mardi Himal peak climbing is the most southerly peak of the Annapurna range. Mardi Himal peak is the lowest and least climbed peak. The photograph of the Mardi Himal (in the foreground) was taken in 1953 by Baisl Good fellow and it drew the attention of western climbers. The first ascent of Mardi Himal was in 1961. The first route was via the east flank and it is the only one used so far.


Mardi Himal peak climb separates the southwest ridge of fishtail as a separate mass at right angles to the ridge and it is best seen from the south. The southwest face of the mountain has three well-defined ridges rising from rock buttresses and separated by hanging glaciers. Mardi Himal Trekking peak east face is separated from the fishtail ridge by a col at 5200m.


Note: As per the decision of Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, mountains of the height less than 5800m will be promoted as trekking peaks and royalty fee has been waived for those peaks. Hence, the following peaks managed by Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) are free of royalty fee from now on wards (2014 September 23rd).  


Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu

You may arrive in Kathmandu with you long international flight. When you land at the Tribhuvan International Airport, you will be greeted by   representative of Alpine Excursion Treks . He will drive to your Hotel. Overnight stay at hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 02: Fly from Kathmandu to Pokhara 820m and transfer to Hotel.

From Kathmandu, you will have the earliest flight to Pokhara- the starting point of many of Annapurna region's trekking journeys. Upon arriving in Pokhara, you can see the views of the Machhapuchhre (6997m) and the Annapurna massive views . Our guide will also make sure that you are prepared for the peak climbing journey tomorrow. In the evening, you can also enjoy a leisurely boat ride in the pristine Phewa Lake beside the city as well. Overnight stay at  hotel in Pokhara. 

Day 03: Drive from Pokhara to Mardi Pul 1000m/2hours and trek to Ghachowk 1260m/3-4hours,

From Pokhara, you will drive to Mardi Pul, a small settlement via the village of Hyangja. The trail forks into two as you arrive at the original Tibetan refugee camp at Mardi Pul.  Taking the route on the right, you will cross paddy fields From Mardi Pul and then trek through the alpine landscape of pine woods and rhododendron trees to Ghachowk, crossing a suspension bridge over the Mardi Khola and again crossing the Seti Khola further along the way. Overnight stay at a tented camp.   

Day 04: Trek from Ghachowk to Dhiprang 1440m/5-6hours,

From Ghachowk, you will then continue to journey, walking on the uphill terrain through the juniper hamlets and verdant terrace farms of rice and barley towards the village of Dhiprang, a Magar-Chhetri settlement with traditional houses set against the terrace fields. The village lies at an altitude of 1,200 meters in the Seti River Valley and from here, you can see amazing views of the Lamjung Himal (6983m). Overnight stay at tented camp.   

Day 05: Trek from Dhiprang to Chichemle Kharka 2645m/5-6hours,

You will be gaining a significant amount of altitude today, trekking upwards through the Seti valley to Chichemle Kharka. Along the way, you will be passing by several small settlements and making your way through the lush acreages of red rhododendrons. You Small brooks and streams line the trail and you can also see the gaping valley open outwards with the view of the Seti River below. Overnight stay at Chichemle Kharka. 

Day 06: Trek from Chichemle Kharka to Khumai Danda 3245m/5-6hours,

Further from Chichemle lies Hile Kharka. The view of the Dhaulagiri (8167m), Mount Annapurna (8019m) and Machhapuchhre (6997m) from the ridge is amazing. Walking on an uphill-and-downhill trail, most of the time which winds through the forest, you will reach Samsur Deurali from where the trail reaches towards Khumai Danda where you can enjoy the panoramic sight of the Annapurna . Overnight stay at Khumai Danda.

Day 07: Trek from Khumai Danda to Korchon 3682m/4-5hours,

Khumai Danda, due to its high location, offers spectacular views of the rising sun changing the color of the Annapurna peaks. As such, early in the morning, you can watch this outer-worldly phenomenon from the ridge of the Danda. From Khumai Danda, you will move towards Korchon- another serene location blessed with the looming sight of the Mardi Himal (5553m) and the Machhapuchhre Peak (6997m). Overnight stay at Korchon.  

Day 08: Exploration Day or Acclimatization day

This day is set aside for rest and acclimatization. You can enjoy the peaceful settlement of Korchon with its sparse population going about its day working in the fields or tending to the cattle. Throughout the day, the mountain views from the settlement are impressive in their full display of magnificence. You can enjoy rest at the pastures amidst the rhododendron blooms or can even opt to hike to near locations if you want. Overnight stay at Korchon. 

Day 09: Trek from Korchon to Mardi Himal Base Camp South 4120m/6-7hours,

From Korchon, you will make your way through the terrain to the base camp of Mardi Himal South. The terrain begins to change as you move up the elevation, with the grasslands replaced with snow and fewer trees. All along the journey, the view of Mardi Himal (5553m) and the Annapurna like Lamjung (6983m) and the Machhapuchhre (6997m) decorate the horizon up front. After about 6 to 7 hours of trekking through the glacial terrain, you will reach the Mardi Himal Base Camp. Overnight stay at the base camp. 

Day 10: Climb from Base Camp to High Camp 5120m/6-7hours,

It is best to start early in the morning and make your way carefully, navigating your way slowly along the snow  vastness following your guide up ahead. The open sky above and the vastness of the snow landscape on all sides makes the climb a challenge but it is totally worth it as the views of the peaks from High Camp are quite spectacular and different than their view seen from the valleys. From High camp, the mountain peaks are much closer and the landscape does not contrast against the green valley but blends in with the monochrome terrain of snow and ice. Overnight stay at High Camp. 

Day 11: Summit to Mardi Himal 5553m and back to Base Camp 4120m/7-8hours,

You will make the ascent to the summit of the Mardi Himal early in the morning, carefully following the same routine of navigating through the thick ice and glacial sludge to the top of the peak. The climb is quite thrilling and the summit of the peak presents you with a view that is nothing like anything else on the planet. The vast openness of the sky and the world is below seen from the summit is simply indescribable. After summiting the Mardi Peak, you will carefully make your way back down to High Camp. Overnight stay at Base Camp.

Day 12: Reserve Day for Climbing due to Bad weather,

This day is reserved for contingency in case of bad weather. The weather in the mountain is unpredictable and thus, it is best to have this day in the schedule in case of any delays due to any reason. If there are no delays then this day is not needed.

Day 13: Trek from Base Camp to Meshrom Kharka 2960m/6-7hours,

From the Basecamp, you will be making your way back down the terrain, passing the Khumain Danda to Meshrom Kharka. It is a steep climb downhill for the initial part of the journey through the snowy landscape, but once you reach back into the lower valley, the trekking trail winds through pastures once again. Overnight stay at Meshrom Kharka. 

Day 14: Trek from Meshrom Kharka to Takru 1450m/5-6hours,

From Meshrom Kharka, you will be trekking through the pine and cedar woodlands and rhododendron-covered terrain to Takru- another far-off village situated at the bottom of the Seti River valley. It is occupied by Gurung people and you can enjoy walking through the potato farmlands cultivated quite beautifully into hillside terraces. Overnight stay at Takru.

Day 15: Trek from Takru to Lwang 1460m/6-7hours,

The trek gradually descends down further into the valley today as well. You will be trekking alongside the Mardi River and smaller tributaries of the Seti. Further making your way through the small settlement of Saiti Ghatta, where you can see water-powered grinding mills, you will head towards the Kujbang and the Lumre village and finally cross the Mardi river to reach Lwang. Overnight stay at Lwang.  

Day 16: Trek from Lwang to Lachok 1160m/5-6hours,

From Lwang, you will have a relatively easy trek towards Lachok today, with the trail coruscating through the woodlands and occasional settlements with horse and yak caravans making their way up and down the pathway throughout the day. The trek follows the Mardi River for the entirety of the trek and passes Anante before arriving at Lachok. Overnight stay at Lachok.

Day 17: Trek from Lachok to Mardi Pul and drive back to Pokhara, transfer to Hotel.

From Lachok, you will make your way back to Mardi Pul and then drive back to Pokhara from there. It is an easy trek through the verdant forests of maple and junipers to Mardi Pul and a short drive back to the city. Upon reaching Pokhara, you will be transferred to your Hotel. You can rest or explore the city for the rest of the day. Overnight stay at hotel in Pokhara. 

Day 18: Fly from Pokhara to Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel.

From Pokhara, you will say goodbye to the Annapurna Himalayas and fly back to Kathmandu. Upon landing at Kathmandu, you can spend the rest of your day as you please, relaxing at the Hotel or sightseeing around the city or shopping. Overnight stay at in Kathmandu. 

Day 19: Final Departure to International Airport.

Approximately three hours before your scheduled flight, you will be dropped off at the airport for your final departure.

Join with us Mardi Himal Peak Climbing in 2020/2021

Customize Your Peak Climbing Trip: This is a general itinerary, which can always individually. The trek package can be redesigned or redeveloped as per your taste, For more information please e-mail us at [email protected]


Note: In case of emergency during the trip, Helicopter will be arranged by  Alpine Excursion Treks & Expedition. The charges must be paid by the clients themselves.


Detail Itinerary

Day 01Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu You may arrive in Kathmandu with you long international flight. When you land at the Tribhuvan International Airport, you will be greeted by representative of Alpine Excursion Treks . He will drive to your Hotel. Overnight stay at hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 02Day 02: Fly from Kathmandu to Pokhara 820m and transfer to Hotel. From Kathmandu, you will have the earliest flight to Pokhara- the starting point of many of Annapurna region's trekking journeys. Upon arriving in Pokhara, you can see the views of the Machhapuchhre (6997m) and the Annapurna massive views . Our guide will also make sure that you are prepared for the peak climbing journey tomorrow. In the evening, you can also enjoy a leisurely boat ride in the pristine Phewa Lake beside the city as well. Overnight stay at hotel in Pokhara.

Day 03Day 03: Drive from Pokhara to Mardi Pul 1000m/2hours and trek to Ghachowk 1260m/3-4hours, From Pokhara, you will drive to Mardi Pul, a small settlement via the village of Hyangja. The trail forks into two as you arrive at the original Tibetan refugee camp at Mardi Pul. Taking the route on the right, you will cross paddy fields From Mardi Pul and then trek through the alpine landscape of pine woods and rhododendron trees to Ghachowk, crossing a suspension bridge over the Mardi Khola and again crossing the Seti Khola further along the way. Overnight stay at a tented camp.

Day 04Day 04: Trek from Ghachowk to Dhiprang 1440m/5-6hours, From Ghachowk, you will then continue to journey, walking on the uphill terrain through the juniper hamlets and verdant terrace farms of rice and barley towards the village of Dhiprang, a Magar-Chhetri settlement with traditional houses set against the terrace fields. The village lies at an altitude of 1,200 meters in the Seti River Valley and from here, you can see amazing views of the Lamjung Himal (6983m). Overnight stay at tented camp.

Day 05Day 05: Trek from Dhiprang to Chichemle Kharka 2645m/5-6hours, You will be gaining a significant amount of altitude today, trekking upwards through the Seti valley to Chichemle Kharka. Along the way, you will be passing by several small settlements and making your way through the lush acreages of red rhododendrons. You Small brooks and streams line the trail and you can also see the gaping valley open outwards with the view of the Seti River below. Overnight stay at Chichemle Kharka.

Day 06Day 06: Trek from Chichemle Kharka to Khumai Danda 3245m/5-6hours, Further from Chichemle lies Hile Kharka. The view of the Dhaulagiri (8167m), Mount Annapurna (8019m) and Machhapuchhre (6997m) from the ridge is amazing. Walking on an uphill-and-downhill trail, most of the time which winds through the forest, you will reach Samsur Deurali from where the trail reaches towards Khumai Danda where you can enjoy the panoramic sight of the Annapurna . Overnight stay at Khumai Danda.

Day 07Day 07: Trek from Khumai Danda to Korchon 3682m/4-5hours, Khumai Danda, due to its high location, offers spectacular views of the rising sun changing the color of the Annapurna peaks. As such, early in the morning, you can watch this outer-worldly phenomenon from the ridge of the Danda. From Khumai Danda, you will move towards Korchon- another serene location blessed with the looming sight of the Mardi Himal (5553m) and the Machhapuchhre Peak (6997m). Overnight stay at Korchon.

Day 08Day 08: Exploration Day or Acclimatization day This day is set aside for rest and acclimatization. You can enjoy the peaceful settlement of Korchon with its sparse population going about its day working in the fields or tending to the cattle. Throughout the day, the mountain views from the settlement are impressive in their full display of magnificence. You can enjoy rest at the pastures amidst the rhododendron blooms or can even opt to hike to near locations if you want. Overnight stay at Korchon.

Day 09Day 09: Trek from Korchon to Mardi Himal Base Camp South 4120m/6-7hours, From Korchon, you will make your way through the terrain to the base camp of Mardi Himal South. The terrain begins to change as you move up the elevation, with the grasslands replaced with snow and fewer trees. All along the journey, the view of Mardi Himal (5553m) and the Annapurna like Lamjung (6983m) and the Machhapuchhre (6997m) decorate the horizon up front. After about 6 to 7 hours of trekking through the glacial terrain, you will reach the Mardi Himal Base Camp. Overnight stay at the base camp.

Day 10Day 10: Climb from Base Camp to High Camp 5120m/6-7hours, It is best to start early in the morning and make your way carefully, navigating your way slowly along the snow vastness following your guide up ahead. The open sky above and the vastness of the snow landscape on all sides makes the climb a challenge but it is totally worth it as the views of the peaks from High Camp are quite spectacular and different than their view seen from the valleys. From High camp, the mountain peaks are much closer and the landscape does not contrast against the green valley but blends in with the monochrome terrain of snow and ice. Overnight stay at High Camp.

Day 11Day 11: Summit to Mardi Himal 5553m and back to Base Camp 4120m/7-8hours, You will make the ascent to the summit of the Mardi Himal early in the morning, carefully following the same routine of navigating through the thick ice and glacial sludge to the top of the peak. The climb is quite thrilling and the summit of the peak presents you with a view that is nothing like anything else on the planet. The vast openness of the sky and the world is below seen from the summit is simply indescribable. After summiting the Mardi Peak, you will carefully make your way back down to High Camp. Overnight stay at Base Camp.

Day 12Day 12: Reserve Day for Climbing due to Bad weather, This day is reserved for contingency in case of bad weather. The weather in the mountain is unpredictable and thus, it is best to have this day in the schedule in case of any delays due to any reason. If there are no delays then this day is not needed.

Day 13Day 13: Trek from Base Camp to Meshrom Kharka 2960m/6-7hours, From the Basecamp, you will be making your way back down the terrain, passing the Khumain Danda to Meshrom Kharka. It is a steep climb downhill for the initial part of the journey through the snowy landscape, but once you reach back into the lower valley, the trekking trail winds through pastures once again. Overnight stay at Meshrom Kharka.

Day 14Day 14: Trek from Meshrom Kharka to Takru 1450m/5-6hours, From Meshrom Kharka, you will be trekking through the pine and cedar woodlands and rhododendron-covered terrain to Takru- another far-off village situated at the bottom of the Seti River valley. It is occupied by Gurung people and you can enjoy walking through the potato farmlands cultivated quite beautifully into hillside terraces. Overnight stay at Takru.

Day 15Day 15: Trek from Takru to Lwang 1460m/6-7hours, The trek gradually descends down further into the valley today as well. You will be trekking alongside the Mardi River and smaller tributaries of the Seti. Further making your way through the small settlement of Saiti Ghatta, where you can see water-powered grinding mills, you will head towards the Kujbang and the Lumre village and finally cross the Mardi river to reach Lwang. Overnight stay at Lwang.

Day 16Day 16: Trek from Lwang to Lachok 1160m/5-6hours, From Lwang, you will have a relatively easy trek towards Lachok today, with the trail coruscating through the woodlands and occasional settlements with horse and yak caravans making their way up and down the pathway throughout the day. The trek follows the Mardi River for the entirety of the trek and passes Anante before arriving at Lachok. Overnight stay at Lachok.

Day 17Day 17: Trek from Lachok to Mardi Pul and drive back to Pokhara, transfer to Hotel. From Lachok, you will make your way back to Mardi Pul and then drive back to Pokhara from there. It is an easy trek through the verdant forests of maple and junipers to Mardi Pul and a short drive back to the city. Upon reaching Pokhara, you will be transferred to your Hotel. You can rest or explore the city for the rest of the day. Overnight stay at hotel in Pokhara.

Day 18Day 18: Fly from Pokhara to Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel. From Pokhara, you will say goodbye to the Annapurna Himalayas and fly back to Kathmandu. Upon landing at Kathmandu, you can spend the rest of your day as you please, relaxing at the Hotel or sightseeing around the city or shopping. Overnight stay at in Kathmandu.

Day 19Day 19: Final Departure to International Airport. Approximately three hours before your scheduled flight, you will be dropped off at the airport for your final departure.

Cost Include

  • Kathmandu International airport transfer by private car/van/bus.
  • Guided sightseeing tour in Kathmandu valley with private car/van/bus.
  • 3 nights standard accommodation in Kathmandu with breakfast plan.
  • Meals: (Breakfast /Lunch / Dinner) each day serve with hot drinks such as Tea / Coffee
  • Tented camping accommodation during the trekking route. (Twin sharing tent, dining tent, toilet tent, Kitchen tent, staff tent and Kitchen utensil etc.).
  • Staffs: (Professional English speaking trekking guide, 1 Cook, 1 Kitchen, 1 climbing guide & necessary porters. (1 assistant guide for 5 plus people).
  • Hot bucket Shower (Bath) during the trekking
  • Insurance for all the Nepalese staff.
  • Collective equipments such as a Climbing Rope, Ice screws, Snow bars, Tent, Snow Sawel.
  • Mardi peak permit/s & other necessary fees (US$ 350)
  • All necessary paper works and national park entry permits.
  • Kathmandu - Pokhara - Kathamndu by Tourist Bus transfer,
  • All required permits as up on the given itinerary
  • Salary, Food, Drinks, Accommodation and Transportation for Nepali crew
  • Arrangement of Emergency Helicopter service which will be paid by your Travel insurance company.
  • Farewell dinner in Nepali typical Resturants
  • Medical supplies (first aid kit will be available).
  • All government applicable taxes, VAT and as well as Company service charge.

Cost Exclude

  • Nepal entry visa fee (you may easily issue the visa upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport - Kathmandu). You will require 2 passport size photos.
  • Your Travel insurance (Compulsory).
  • Food while you are in Kathmandu.
  • Entrance fees while sightseeing tour in Kathmandu valley.
  • Garbage Deposit (US$ 250), refundable after the climbing.
  • Personal Climbing equipment and your personal expenses.
  • All the alcoholic and non alcoholic Drinks.
  • Sweet things like chocolate.
  • Hot Shower during the Trek.
  • International airfare and airport departure tax.
  • Tips for the nepali crew. (Tipping is expected but it is not mandatory)
  • Any others expenses which are not mentioned on including section.     

Trekking and peak equiptment list 


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